Each wish card seems to bloom in a magical garden, carrying deep wishes and beautiful emotions. The wishing fountain in the garden is intertwined with historical moments, recording wishes and dreams in life.
What you experience in life, what you observe in conversation and reading..., wish card - just like the recording and realization of each wish, it never stops in the magic garden. Each image seems beautiful and profound: joy and prayer.
This collaboration with HORUMON BABY inspired me to use the primary colors—red, yellow, and blue—to represent a primal state. This led to the creation of "24 HOURS 365 DAYS" ,' a piece I co-illustrated with HORUMON BABY, recording my emotions in the process.
Every time before blowing out the candles on a birthday cake, I would stare wide-eyed at the candlelight that could grant my wishes...
Capturing the happy faces and that very moment.
"I forgot exactly which Father’s Day it started, but I told them that the gift I wanted...
was to let them freely draw anything I wanted, with complete creative freedom." 😁🤩🔥
Finally we complete this co-creation together.
創作就像一條河,2021年小孩的關係我用寶可夢卡創作出第一張“ Nonexistent garden - 寶可夢花園系列 ”願望卡,把心中的魔法花園畫在了上面,如同對角色的祝福。陸陸續續實驗出些不同形式呈現 - 包括3D建模列印與NFT的創作 ( ) ,不斷的嘗試。到了2023年以 “ Mr.makeAwish WISHING CARDS ” 開始10年的 WISHING RIVER 創作計畫(2023-2033),每年採集100個不同的願望,成為魔法花園裡珍藏的寶藏。
2021年從非洲剛果魔法人雕像獲得靈感,轉化創造了Mr.makeAwish - 許願先生,如同守護魔法花園與許願池的園丁。看似大鬍子造型的許願先生,細看臉上原來是滿滿的花草與穿梭其中的動物,這個保護色讓他輕易的隱藏在魔法花園裡,只要人們對著許願池許願,嘴上的魔法棒也隨之亮起,成為魔法花園源源不斷的能量來源;而胸前的「許願比特幣」,更是隨著時代的推演,衍生而出的象徵符號。
Each wish card seems to bloom in a magical garden, carrying deep wishes and beautiful emotions. The wishing fountain in the garden is intertwined with historical moments, recording wishes and dreams in life.
Creation is like a river. In 2021, I started using Pokémon cards to create the first-generation "Nonexistent Garden - Pokémon Garden Series" wish card. I drew the magic garden in my heart on it, like a blessing to the character. We have been experimenting with different forms of presentation one after another - including 3D modeling printing and NFT creation (, and keep trying. It was only in 2023 that the 10-year WISHING RIVER creation plan (2023-2033) was decided to start with "Mr.makeAwish WISHING CARDS". 100 different wishes will be collected every year and become treasures in the magic garden. The prayers carried by each ripple of the wishing pool also form an infinite place of wishes, just like the long river of emotions...
In 2021, I got inspiration from the magic man statue in Congo, Africa, and transformed it to create Mr.makeAwish - Mr. Make Awish, like the gardener who guards the magic garden and wishing fountain. Mr. Wishing, who looks like a bearded man, turns out to be full of flowers, plants and animals walking around on his face. This protective color allows him to easily hide in the magic garden. As long as people make wishes to the wishing well, the magic wand on his mouth will also light up, becoming a continuous source of energy for the magic garden. The "Wish Bitcoin" on his chest is a symbol derived from his evolution over time.
" Mr.makeAwish - Garden Wishing Card . Treasure / 許願先生 - 花園願望卡 . 寶藏 "
What you experience in life, what you observe in conversation and reading..., wish card - just like the recording and realization of each wish, it never stops in the magic garden. Each image seems beautiful and profound: joy and prayer.

" 願望如同每個不同時期的記錄... "
This collaboration with HORUMON BABY inspired me to use the primary colors—red, yellow, and blue—to represent a primal state. This led to the creation of "24 HOURS 365 DAYS" ,' a piece I co-illustrated with HORUMON BABY, recording my emotions in the process.

‘’ 深刻的紀念回憶與歡笑 ‘’
Every time before blowing out the candles on a birthday cake, I would stare wide-eyed at the candlelight that could grant my wishes...
Capturing the happy faces and that very moment.

"I forgot exactly which Father’s Day it started, but I told them that the gift I wanted...
was to let them freely draw anything I wanted, with complete creative freedom." 😁🤩🔥
Finally we complete this co-creation together.

「經典是時間的見證,代表了文化和歷史的里程碑」《BEARDED MANTLE》觸動了我的靈感,許多重要的作品油然而生…
In the eyes of the public, the "Mona Lisa" is well-known, and this "1952 TOPPS MICKEY MANTLE #311" is also a classic in the world of cards. This creates a unique charm that is hard to ignore. One of the treasures in the world of Mante player collection, it has infinite value and significance, carrying countless memories and love.

「經典與時間的相遇,經歷了獨特的洗禮, 呈現出如此不可思議的作品.. 」《FOG MANTLE》如同在霧裡遇見那個雋永的象徵…
In the eyes of the public, the "Mona Lisa" is well-known, and this "1952 TOPPS MICKEY MANTLE #311" is also a classic in the world of cards. This creates a unique charm that is hard to ignore. One of the treasures in the world of Mante player collection, it has infinite value and significance, carrying countless memories and love.

「 Mr.makeAwish's Garden」(在花園中尋覓那抹綠色的奇蹟)
The reunion of classic and pinnacle, refined through the passage of time, presents an irreplaceable legendary creation. Michael Jordan, an eternal symbol of the GOAT in the basketball world, is mirrored in this 2021 SkyBox Metal Universe Champions '97-'98 Retro Precious Metal Gems (PMG) Green card. Like Mr.makeAwish seeking a rare emerald in the garden, it carries an immense and unique charm.
In this field, the avant-garde visual image established in 1997 gave birth to the iconic PMG green, as rare and dazzling as emerald. This 2021 work carries countless memories and admiration for Michael Jordan's final peak moment in 1994 when he scored 52 points in a charity game jersey, and has infinite historical significance.

「 SKY WINDOW GARDEN 」尋找天空窗戶裡的七彩花園
In the temple of basketball, **Kobe Bryant** shines like a meteor streaking across the sky, forever brilliant. His legend feels as though it’s glimpsed through the window of the **1996 EX-2000**, revealing his limitless potential on the court. This creation is like a miracle planted by the Wishmaster in the sky, and through this window, we gaze upon a colorful garden filled with dreams, passion, and glory. Kobe’s spirit continues to shine in that garden, inspiring us with every skyward glance to bravely pursue our own miracles.